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Why goals end in Burnout and how to prevent it- Workshop

  • 17 Oct 2023
  • 19:00 - 20:30
  • Online session


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Why goals end in Burnout and how to prevent it - workshop

Katie Rössler is a burnout and hidden grief specialist. With 15 years as a therapist, she is shifting the way we think about and experience challenges in our lives and teaching us to transform our pain into our greatest empowerment.

Katie has had two private practices (one in the USA and one in Germany), worked in community centers, schools, homes, and facilities supporting people to live happier, healthier lives. Now Katie has moved her work to bigger platforms and has authored two books, leads trainings for corporations, consults with entrepreneurs growing their business.

She has also podcast called The Balance Code and speaks on stages internationally. As a mom of three and a business owner, she understands the need for resources to not just survive life but to thrive.

Three Key take Aways

1. How to set achievable goals.

2. How can you stick to your goals?

3. How you can prevent your goals leading you

towards burnout.

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