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Webinar - How to play the corporate game and win -Christoph Lederle

  • 28 Jan 2021
  • 20:00 - 21:30
  • Zoom Webinar
  • 15


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How to play the Corporate Game and Win Webinar

We continue our successful series "How to play the corporate game and Win" with our speaker Christoph Lederle , who the Director of Product Management for TE Connectivity’s Energy Business Unit. Christoph believes in the power of diverse and interdisciplinary teams, contributing highly efficient to develop exciting technological advances for the future.

Christoph holds a doctorate degree from the Technical University of Munich and provides more than 10 years of Product  Management experience combined with international team leading experience. Christoph inspires his colleagues with his positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage other to work hard and succeed.  He is also an Mentor in PN Munich Mentoring team and has mentored many motivated individuals to success.  In his free time he likes mountain biking, climbing and volleyball and he is a passionate skier.

During this webinar Christoph will share his perspective on how he navigates the corporate world. He will share experiences and valuable tricks that has helped him along the way to success.

Success does not come without having experienced setbacks and Christoph will gladly share his with you, to show that is it possible to develop, grow and lead from it.  

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